Design and Info Architecture

Finally, after all of that hard work, all of the blood, sweat, and tears. We have finished with the design requirements, we can finally move on to the last piece of the puzzle: our design and information architecture.

Information Architecture

Pokemon Go Together Information ArchitectureInformation Architecture

As you can see from the image above, the idea is to have several items on the sidebar navigation menu, such as user profile, get connected, announcements, maps, and a contact page. Each tab brings the user even more options, as clearly shown above.

Design Architecture and Wireframe

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The home page for the app
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Prototype profile page, showing character avatar and current Pokemon

Obviously, the designs here do not show all that is represented in the info architecture; however, I am sure you can clearly see where the design is going.

The app was originally called “Let’s Pokemon Go”, but that was before the games Let’s Go: Pikachu/Eevee was released. So, the app has now been changed to “Pokemon Go Together”, which brings to mind more the idea of getting together to play Pokemon Go as a group and community.